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TREES Research Grant Fund II

TREES (Teaching and Researching Equitable Economics from the South), an initiative of the Center for Studies on Economic Development (CEDE) at the Universidad de los Andes, funded by the Ford Foundation, is seeking research proposals to understand the causes and consequences of inequality, broadly defined. 

Projects led by Principal Investigators based in Latin America and the Caribbean will receive support of up to COP 60,000,000 each. 

We are open to research contemplating non-economic aspects of inequality. TREES welcomes empirical studies and contributions to the measurement, conceptualization, and historicization of inequality.  

Some topics of reference may be:  

  • Social segregation along income lines. 
  • The economic and cultural implications of segregation.  
  • Women in the economy of the global south. 
  • Cultural, racial, gender diversity. 
  • Environmental justice.  
  • Social interactions: Migration. 
  • Stereotypes and discrimination. 
  • Inequality and segregation in the labor market. 
  • Teaching inequality from different areas of knowledge.  
  • Fiscal issues and inequality. 
  • Formal and informal rules, norms, and inequality. 
  • Citizens and the State. 
  • Teaching to students with diverse characteristics 

TREES encourages rigorous and intellectually ambitious research and welcomes proposals from multiple disciplinary and methodological perspectives, both domestically and internationally. 

Application Details 

Phase 1: Letter of Inquiry.  

to express interest in the TREES Research Grant Fund. No later than January 21, 2024, at 11:59 PM Bogotá Time (UTC -5) 

Questions may be sent by e-mail to the below address: 

Phase 2: Full proposals 

Invitations to submit full proposals will be sent no later than February 2, 2024 

Full proposal submissions (by invitation only). PIs invited to present full proposals will be notified no later than March 1, 2024.  

You will be notified that your submission has been received within one week of submission.    


  • To include all Latin America and the Caribbean, this call, the documents to be delivered, the deliverables, and the associated events will be in English. 
  • Grants are awarded to the Host Institution with the explicit commitment that this institution offers appropriate conditions for the Principal Investigator and their team to direct the research and manage its funding for the project’s duration. The grant cannot be awarded directly to individuals. 
  • Intellectual property shall remain with the PIs, but they grant dissemination rights to Uniandes and the Ford Foundation. 
  • Any relevant changes to the proposal or team shall be submitted to and will be subject to approval. 
Important Dates
December 4, 2023
Letter of Inquiry open date 

January 21, 2024
Letter of Inquiry close date 

February 2, 2024
Invitation to submit a full proposal 

March 1, 2024
Full proposal submission deadline 

March 11, 2024
Grant Award and notifying successful applicants 

May 1, 2024
Project Begins 

June 30, 2025
Final Report 
To be eligible for the grant, the lead applicant must be a Principal Investigator (PI) linked to a non-profit organization or institution legally established in any State of Latin America or the Caribbean (host institution). The host institution is willing to serve as the administering organization if the grant is awarded. If awarded the grant contract, the PI will become the coordinator. The coordinator is the sole interlocutor between the host institution and TREES. The lead PI may submit more than one Letter of Inquiry but may not be awarded more than one grant.
TREES Initiative contact for any questions or suggestions: