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Complexity Global School

February 19, 2024

Applications for the second Complexity Global School, which will take place at Universidad de los Andes in Colombia from July 21 to August 3, will be open until April 22, 2024. With support from the Omidyar Network, the school is free for all admitted students and covers tuition, accommodation, meals, travel expenses, and local transportation.

“We are looking for courageous thinkers who want to learn new methods, while simultaneously helping in our search for new paradigms to understand political, economic, and social life,” says Will Tracy, organizer of the event and Vice President at the Santa Fe Institute. “Our search for new paradigms is fiercely interdisciplinary. We are interested in early career academics from across the social and natural sciences, as well as intellectually driven practitioners from government, civil society, and industry.”

The school will feature a series of lectures introducing fundamental mechanisms and models of complex systems and how they relate to political economies. Core topics will include:

  • Network analysis,
  • computational social science,
  • applied scaling theory,
  • emergent engineering,
  • and digital humanities.

Students will learn how to apply those topics, methods, and models to diverse phenomena such as inequality, climate change, belief dynamics, technological disruption in social systems, federalism and, and the future of work.

“Uniandes is very excited to participate in this Complexity Global School and, as part of our TREES (Teaching and Researching Equitable Economics from the South) Initiative, we want to encourage applicants from the Latin American region coming from different disciplines with keen interest in building transdisciplinary approaches to pressing issues in society, and our region in particular, through the complexity lens,” says Juan Camilo Cárdenas, economics professor at Uniandes and co-leader of the TREES initiative.

The school has onsite and remote components. The onsite component includes an intensive 12-day program focusing on lectures, interactions, and formation of project groups. During the remote component – August 4 to November 5 – students will collaborate virtually with their groups to finish their projects. While the instructors will be divided between the two locations, online exchanges and collaborative discussions will ensure that students from both locations engage with all participating faculty. A total of 60 students will be selected for the school with 30 at each site.

The Complexity Global School is based on the Santa Fe Institute’s Complex Systems Summer School, which has been running for over 30 years and whose alumni have gone on to hold top positions in academia, government, and industry.

IMPORTANT: This program will be entirely in English. Therefore, it is essential that participants have an advanced level of proficiency in this language.

Important Dates
April 8, 2024
Application Deadline